Staff Profile

A headshot of Mary Williams, a Senior Lecturer at BNU.

Mary Williams


Before joining Buckinghamshire New University (BNU) in 2013 I have previously worked in cancer care services in various roles, including managing large teams in inpatient/outpatient services in different institutions in the UK and abroad. I have also worked extensively in palliative/end of life care, having worked as a clinical nurse specialist in this area of specialism in the community and hospital setting. I returned to clinical practice in 2020 as Lead Nurse for palliative/ end of life care, managing teams on two hospital sites during the pandemic. 

I returned to Buckinghamshire New University in 2022 as I have a passion for teaching and sharing knowledge and recognise the importance of education in these areas of specialism.

I studied for my BA in Oxford Brookes university, completing the Post Graduate Certificate in Education and my MSc with a distinction, in Buckinghamshire university, so I very much consider myself a BNU girl. My specialist area of interest/research is compassionate and skilled communication in cancer care and in palliative/ end of life care. Skilled and compassionate delivery of end of life is essential in any civilised society, I am therefore passionate in my thinking that all clinicians should have these skills, irrespective of their clinical profession or area of specialism. 

I am a member UKONS and a fellow of the HEA.

My specialist knowledge has led me to work with cancer charities such as MacMillan, Look Good Feel Better and the Ruth Strauss Foundation on various projects such as running the MacMillan Enhancing Cancer Care Practice course in BNU on several occasions.

My greatest accolade to date/My career highlight is teaching in Bethlehem University in Palestine in 2019, educating nurses on the cancer/end of life care programme. 

View my Research Repository today.