Staff Profile

A head and shoulders shot of a smiling Alex Balfour, looking directly into the camera

Alexandra Balfour


Before joining Buckinghamshire New University in 2014, I was a lecturer in Dance Science and Fitness in other HE institutions in the UK. I also spent some considerable years in the fitness industry as a personal trainer, fitness coach and remedial therapist working with both dancers and non-dancers.

I studied for my MSc Dance Science at Trinity Laban and my specialist area of interest is in performance enhancement of dancers, relating to injury prevention and increased fitness for dance. I find this subject of interest because dancers, as a population, are at extremely high risk of injury and put their bodies through extremely demanding training and performance situations. 

I am a member of the International Association of Dance Medicine and Science (IADMS) and the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA).