Green future

Comment: Sustainable Hospitality: Nurturing a Greener Future

In this  comment piece, BNU’s Head of School for the Missenden Abbey International Hotel and Hospitality School, Lisa Wyld, explores how hospitality businesses that prioritise eco-friendly practices are contributing to a healthier planet which can help to cultivate a loyal customer base.

In an era where environmental consciousness interweaves with consumer choices, the hospitality industry stands at the forefront of change. Embracing sustainability isn't just a trend; it's a responsibility and an opportunity for the industry to redefine its impact on the planet.

As the global population becomes increasingly aware of the environmental repercussions of their actions, customers are seeking hospitality experiences that align with their values. Sustainable hospitality, therefore, isn't an option but a strategic imperative for establishments aiming to stay relevant and resilient. 

Hospitality businesses are investing in state-of-the-art architecture and design that captivates the eye but also minimises environmental impact. Incorporating energy-efficient systems, such as LED lighting and smart climate control, becomes foundational. 

Green roofs adorned with local flora not only provide insulation but also serve as a living testament to a hotel's commitment to biodiversity. The integration of renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, harnesses nature's power to fuel the establishment, reducing reliance on conventional energy grids.

Local roots

Sustainability in hospitality extends beyond the physical walls of the business. Sustainability spreads its roots into local communities as hospitality businesses actively engage in sourcing goods and services locally. 

This supports nearby farmers and artisans but also reduces the carbon footprint associated with transportation. From locally inspired cuisine to handcrafted amenities, hotels are weaving the essence of the community into the fabric of the guest experience. 

Establishments are embracing local sourcing, this strengthens community ties, creating a win-win situation for both the hotel and its surroundings.

The integration of local flavours and cultural elements into the guest experience adds authenticity and resonates with the desire for meaningful connections. Collaborative initiatives with local businesses and cultural events further strengthen the bond between a hotel and its surroundings, creating a symbiotic relationship that benefits both parties.

Circular economy

Hospitality businesses are increasingly rethinking waste management, transitioning towards a circular economy. 

Recycling initiatives, waste reduction programmes, and the repurposing of materials are becoming standard practices, showcasing a commitment to minimising environmental impact. The industry is investing in innovative solutions demonstrating that sustainability can be synonymous with luxury and exclusivity. 

The repurposing of materials takes centre stage, with discarded items finding new life as upcycled decor and amenities. This is the ethos of hotel brand Locke where recycled construction-site materials have taken centre stage in the design of their properties. 

Sustainable practices extend to the supply chain, where businesses collaborate with suppliers committed to eco-friendly packaging and delivery practices. This holistic approach demonstrates a dedication to minimising environmental impact at every stage of operations.

Water conservation

Water, a finite and essential resource, is a focal point for sustainable hospitality and we recognise this by implementing water-saving technologies, promoting responsible usage, and investing in water conservation initiatives. 

Guests are increasingly valuing establishments that prioritise water efficiency without compromising on comfort, in hotels 30% of the water usage comes from guest bedrooms. 

The integration of smart technologies and guest education on water conservation practices contribute to a holistic approach towards sustainable water management. 

Hotels are implementing water-saving technologies, such as low-flow fixtures and smart irrigation systems, to minimise consumption, for example the IHG Green Engage programme. Beyond internal initiatives, hotels are investing in local water conservation projects, contributing to the broader effort to preserve this vital resource for future generations.

Digital dynamism

Technological advancements play a crucial role in sustainable hospitality. Smart building systems optimise energy consumption, adjusting lighting and climate control based on occupancy and external conditions. 

Digital solutions, from mobile check-ins to in-room tablets, reduce paper waste and enhance operational efficiency. 

Virtual concierge services provide convenience for guests but also minimise the need for physical resources. 

Continuous innovation ensures that technology remains a dynamic force in shaping a more sustainable and guest-friendly hospitality landscape, the seamless integration of technology improves operational efficiency but also provides guests with interactive and informative experiences that align with sustainable values. 

Technology serves as a catalyst for sustainable progress within the hospitality industry. 


The journey towards sustainable hospitality involves implementing green practices but also fostering a culture of awareness. 

Businesses are actively engaging both staff and guests through educational programmes. Eco-tours showcasing the sustainable initiatives provide an immersive learning experience. 

Sustainability-themed events and workshops further empower guests to adopt eco-friendly practices beyond the confines of their stay. By cultivating a sense of shared responsibility, the industry becomes an agent of change, inspiring guests to make environmentally conscious choices in their daily lives.

Industry standard

Transparency is paramount in the pursuit of sustainability. Hospitality businesses seek and proudly display certifications like Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) or ISO 14001, providing tangible evidence of their commitment to recognised environmental standards. 

These certifications validate a business's sustainable efforts but also serve as a powerful marketing tool, attracting environmentally conscious people actively seeking out eco-certified businesses.

The commitment to meeting and exceeding industry-recognised standards ensures that sustainable practices are ingrained in the organisation's DNA, contributing to a global movement towards a more environmentally conscious industry.

Greener future

As sustainability becomes a cornerstone of the hospitality industry, hospitality businesses that prioritise eco-friendly practices are contributing to a healthier planet but are also cultivating a loyal customer base. 

In this journey towards a greener future, sustainable hospitality is key to enduring success in an evolving market. The harmonious integration of sustainable initiatives enhances the overall guest experience, creating a positive impact that resonates long after check-out.

You can learn more about sustainable hospitality on our BA (Hons) Hotel Management, MSc Hotel Innovation and Sustainability, and BA (Hons) International Hotel Management courses.