Business meeting amongst five members of staff sat around a table

Real-World Business Projects: How The Consultancy Module Prepares You for Success

Real-World Business Projects: How The Consultancy Module Prepares You for Success

This innovative module throws learners headfirst into the world of business consulting, where students win real projects with real clients.

How it Works

To learn about the role of a business consultant, students pitch in teams to ‘win’ the real business projects from real clients. Once the project is secured, student work independently to deliver exceptional results and will….

  • Host and manage client meetings – hone communication and presentation skills
  • Develop a final report – present research, analysis, and problem-solving abilities
  • Exhibit your work at a year-end showcase – gain valuable experience and impress potential employers.

Examples of clients

Clients have varied from large well-known companies such as National Trust, Dreams and the Eden Shopping Centre, to smaller companies in the sport industry, festival management, sustainability companies, cafes and online retailers to mention just a few.

What students are saying

“This module created opportunities that can benefit my long-term career and professional network of contacts.”

“With the confidence gained I was able to converse professionally over emails with the clients.”

“Because of this project, I have developed leadership skills and critical-thinking skills.”

“A few of the skills that I have been able to develop during the consultancy project were my communication, research skills and my organisation/ time management.”

“Communication was a key part to the success as throughout the project I had to communicate with my team, client and supervisor in order to ensure that we are all in the same frame of mind and all know what we are looking to accomplish next.”

Why it matters

Authentic assessments improve the learning experience and employability skills of higher education students (Sokhanvar et al., 2021).  In today's rapidly evolving job market, soft skills are more crucial than ever especially as technology such as ‘Artificial Intelligence continues to reshape the workplace (Sofia et al., 2023). This module equips our students with the communication, problem-solving, and leadership skills that employers are desperately seeking. The soft skills developed in this module provides our students with the essential skills to stand out from the crowd


Sofia, M., Fraboni, F., De Angelis, M., Puzzo, G., Giusino, D. and Pietrantoni, L., 2023. The impact of artificial intelligence on workers’ skills: Upskilling and reskilling in organisations. Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline26, pp.39-68.

Sokhanvar, Z., Salehi, K. and Sokhanvar, F. (2021) ‘Advantages of authentic assessment for improving the learning experience and employability skills of Higher Education Students: A Systematic Literature Review’, Studies in Educational Evaluation, 70, p. 101030. doi:10.1016/j.stueduc.2021.101030.